Agilex baremetal programming

I am new to this project, I am an embedded design engineer, and I have worked on microcontrollers our new design requires Agilex 7 FPGA and we are working on an Apollo Agilex board from Terrasic, i am following the procedure for the installation of SocEDS and ARM DS in windows after completion of the installation I have found HWlib only for cyclone V, Arria V , Arria 10, Stratix 10 “intel-socfpga-hwlib/ at master · altera-opensource/intel-socfpga-hwlib · GitHub” is there support for agilex Soc for bare metal programming

Hi team,
I am following the procedure provided for Soc EDS as provided in this link “Sasikumar E | Main |” the installation of SocEDS, ARM DS and linaro tool chain are completed successfully, now I trying to configure the FPGA I am unable to find a suitable .sof file as per the instruction, I downloaded a.sof file from terasic but it is not supporting, kindly provided some reply is it possible to do bare metal programming in Agilex 7.

Hi team,
I resolved the previous issue by updating intel quartus prime pro programmer version to 23.4, and followed the procedures as listed but after selecting the debug I am facing the same issue