Altera/Intel Arria10 triple rate ethernet sgmii example

Hi, I have my own board designed with a Marvell 88e1512 external connected to the arria 10 fpga via sgmii. I instantiated the triple rate ethernet core using qsys. It builds and the nios runs basic code. I can talk to the M88e1512 when I build in an mdio core to ensure everything is working. I am looking for a simple way to make a telnet client. Based on a few things I read I instantiated modular scatter dma for the tx and rx. I do not have any external memory so I instantiated internal RAM. I have tried using lwip but I have not gotten it to build properly for this configuration. I have many suggestions from Altera but frankly don’t know which to choose. I was intending to build this bare metal (i.e. no OS) but could be convinced to go with an OS if that would work. I don’t see any good examples of sgmii.
This link Simple Socket Server link established(SGMII) but cannot telnet/ping - Intel Community says that they got sgmii to work but does not give the design example used. Any help would be appreciated.