Cyclone V - Weird behaviour when accessing SDRAM from FPGA

Hello, I am currently trying to get FPGA-SDRAM bridge working.

I have my own QSYS component containing Avalon MM Master which looks like this:

module sdram_if # (
  parameter ADDR_SIZE = 32,
  parameter DATA_SIZE = 256 )
( clk, reset,
avm_m0_read, avm_m0_write, avm_m0_writedata, avm_m0_address, avm_m0_readdata, avm_m0_readdatavalid, avm_m0_response, avm_m0_writeresponsevalid, avm_m0_byteenable, avm_m0_waitrequest, avm_m0_burstcount,
address, byteenable, read, data_out, write, data_in, busy );

// clk and reset are always required.
input logic clk;
input logic reset;
// Avalon Master ports
output logic avm_m0_read;
output logic avm_m0_write;
output logic [DATA_SIZE-1:0] avm_m0_writedata;
output logic [ADDR_SIZE-1:0] avm_m0_address;
input logic [DATA_SIZE-1:0] avm_m0_readdata;
input logic avm_m0_readdatavalid;
input logic [1:0] avm_m0_response;
input logic avm_m0_writeresponsevalid;
output logic [(DATA_SIZE/8)-1:0]avm_m0_byteenable;
input logic avm_m0_waitrequest;
output logic [10:0] avm_m0_burstcount;
// External conduit
input logic [ADDR_SIZE-1:0] address;
input logic [(DATA_SIZE/8)-1:0] byteenable;
input logic read;
output logic [DATA_SIZE-1:0] data_out;
input logic write;
input logic [DATA_SIZE-1:0] data_in;
output logic busy;

localparam INIT = 3'd0;
localparam READ_START = 3'd1;
localparam READ_END = 3'd2;
localparam WRITE_START = 3'd3;
localparam WRITE_END = 3'd4;

logic [2:0] cur_state;
logic [2:0] next_state;

logic [ADDR_SIZE-1:0] addr;
logic [DATA_SIZE-1:0] data;
logic [(DATA_SIZE/8)-1:0] enable;

// Handling change of the current state to the next requested state
always_ff @(posedge clk) begin
  if (reset) begin
    cur_state <= INIT;
  end else begin 
    cur_state <= next_state;

    if (read) begin
      addr <= address;
      enable <= byteenable;
    end else begin
      if (write) begin
        addr <= address;
        enable <= byteenable;
        data <= data_in;

// Handling FSM transitions
always_comb begin
  next_state = cur_state;
  busy <= '0;
    INIT: begin
      if (read) begin
        next_state = READ_START;
      end else begin
        if (write) begin
          next_state = WRITE_START;

    READ_START: begin
      busy <= '1;
      if (avm_m0_waitrequest) next_state = READ_START; // Wait here.
      else next_state = READ_END;

    READ_END: begin
      busy <= '1;
      if (!avm_m0_readdatavalid) next_state = READ_END; // Wait here.
      else next_state = INIT;

    WRITE_START: begin
      busy <= '1;
      if (avm_m0_waitrequest) next_state = WRITE_START; // Wait here.
      else next_state = WRITE_END;

    WRITE_END: begin
      busy <= '1;
      next_state = INIT;

    default: begin
      next_state = INIT;

// Handling read and write start of each transaction
always_comb begin
  avm_m0_address = '0;
  avm_m0_read = '0;
  avm_m0_write = '0;
  avm_m0_byteenable = '0;
  avm_m0_burstcount = '0;
  avm_m0_writedata = '0;

    READ_START: begin
      avm_m0_address <= addr;
      avm_m0_read = '1;
      avm_m0_byteenable <= enable;
      avm_m0_burstcount = '1;

    WRITE_START: begin
      avm_m0_address <= addr;
      avm_m0_write = '1;
      avm_m0_writedata <= data;
      avm_m0_byteenable <= enable;
      avm_m0_burstcount = '1;

    default: begin

// Handling read and write end of each transaction
always_ff @(posedge clk) begin
  if (reset) begin
    data_out <= '0;
  end else begin
    case (cur_state)
      READ_END: begin
        if (avm_m0_readdatavalid) begin
          data_out <= avm_m0_readdata;

      default: begin


It’s wired in the Platform Designer like this:

I also have VHDL entity for testing, the process accessing the SDRAM looks like this:

count : PROCESS (nrst, clock) IS
  VARIABLE counter : INTEGER := 0;
  VARIABLE ticks : INTEGER := 0;
  VARIABLE write_en : STD_LOGIC := '0';

  CONSTANT START_ADDR : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(31 DOWNTO 0) := STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(to_unsigned(16#2000_0000#, 32));
  IF nrst = '0' OR h2f_nrst = '0' THEN
    sdram_data_write <= (OTHERS => '0');
    sdram_address <= (OTHERS => '0');
    sdram_byteenable <= (OTHERS => '0');
    sdram_read <= '0';
    sdram_write <= '0';

    i_led <= (OTHERS => '0');
    counter := 0;
    ticks := 0;
    write_en := '0';
    IF rising_edge(clock) THEN
      sdram_read <= '0';
      sdram_write <= '0';
      sdram_data_write <= (OTHERS => '0');
      sdram_address <= (OTHERS => '0');
      sdram_byteenable <= (OTHERS => '0');

      IF counter = 50_000_000 THEN -- every 1 sec
        counter := 0;
        IF write_en = '0' AND ticks = 30 THEN -- delay writing by 30 sec
          write_en := '1';
          i_led(7) <= '1';
          ticks := 0;
        END IF;
        IF write_en = '1' THEN
          sdram_address <= START_ADDR;
          sdram_data_write(31 DOWNTO 0) <= STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(to_unsigned(ticks, 32));
          sdram_byteenable <= BYTE_ENABLE;
          sdram_write <= '1';
        END IF;
        ticks := ticks + 1;
        i_led(0) <= NOT i_led(0);
        counter := counter + 1;
      END IF;
    END IF;

I am checking the SDRAM content from HPS using memtool. The problem is the address keeps incrementing by 16B (256 bits, data width) even when it should remain fixed to 0x2000_0000. Sometimes there is a delay before first write transaction occurs for some reason, also sometimes write transactions stop happening or the address goes back to the start.

Example memory content looks like this (I also highlighted an adress when I released the reset button - the counter did reset but the address did not):

What am I doing wrong? Why the address keeps incrementing and how to fix it?

Thank you for any suggestions!

I didn’t really understand what you are trying to do and what isn’t working as it should but I do have some points that may help you

First of all, as you’re using the HPS while accessing the SDRAM you might have used an address that the HPS also uses and got corrupted data.

I suggest checking the outputs of your components with signaltap before trying to read it from the HPS cause there are many things that could go wrong after your component did it’s job.

I could also suggest using an FPGA on-chip ram as the slave to your component’s logic before trying to do it with the SDRAM bridge
You can also use the system content memory editor (I think that’s how it’s called) the check the memory after you write to it or put some data in it before you try to read from it

Are you sure that the memory content is from the right fpga configuration cause I don’t see anything that changes the address in your code - again I suggest checking it with signaltap

It took me a month to get the FPGA to SDRAM interface working.

First off, my simulation worked, but the hardware did not. It turns out there is only one model of the interface that is mostly representative of the DRAM interface behavior: “Avalon-MM Slave BFM Intel FPGA IP”

None of the other models supplied by intel showed me my timing issues. They just worked, unlike the actual hardware.

The other thing, which is not documented anywhere, is that there is a minimum burst size for accessing the DRAM. You must burst that minimum length or nothing will work. The MM interface will crash and there will be no indication that it is not working (AFAICT).

According to the FAE I work with the minimum burst size is 8 transfers, but I don’t actually know if that 32 or 64 bit transfers.

My burst size is set to 16 with a data width of 32.

Here are the notes from my RTL:

// The DRAM Avalon interface requires exactly one read pulse per fetch.
// dr_read should only extend if dr_waitrequest is pulled true.
// The data will be returned cycles later with a dr_readdatavalid true
// signal. It is possible to issue more than one read at a time.
// According to FAE, to make the HPS DRAM controller happy, a burst
// of 8 is required. Since the smallest SRAM available in the M10K is 32X16,
// this code sets the cache size to be 16 words and does bursts of 16.
// Plain bursts did not work in the FPGA, despite simulations working.
// dr_burstcount is needed for the FPGA2SDRAM interface to function properly.

Hope this helps.

Thanks for the information. Could you please share your Avalon MM Slave module which works? Thank you very much!

Sorry. I can’t share the code.

It’s copyrighted by my employer.

Well at least I found multiple ways to access SDRAM from the fabric:

  1. Use External Bus to Avalon Bridge IP block connected through Address Span Extender to the f2sdram port. It worked well for low data throughput but when the bus was too busy it sometimes stopped working at all or the data was corrupt.
  2. Use DMA Controller Intel FPGA IP block connecting f2sdram port to on-chip 2-port RAM. It worked also well but it seems you can’t start DMA transactions from FPGA without HPS intervention this way.
  3. Use internal DMA-330 controller inside the HPS with h2f AXI Master connected directly to the on-chip RAM. For now it works when the transactions are initiated by the HPS, I have not found out yet how to use it with the eight FPGA Peripheral Interface Requests (f2h_dma_reqX), I have opened a separate question regarding that.

Thank you anyway for suggestions.

My use case is very low bandwidth.

I seem to remember an old design that uses DMA to feed Ethernet so Gigabit speeds can actually be achieved. (the default MAC configuration does about 100 mbit max due to overhead).

If that example design got DMA working, you might want to look at it to see if it has any other ideas.

Good luck.