Problem in using HPS Loan IO Pins for Triple Speed Ethernet RGMII Interface

I have tried to used the hps loanio pins for the triple speed ethernet RGMII interface output and input. I am getting the following error in the Quartus compilation

Error (15874): Output port DATAOUT of DDIO_OUT primitive “Cyclone_V_Controller:inst3|Cyclone_V_Controller_eth_tse_3:eth_tse_3|altera_eth_tse_mac:i_tse_mac|altera_tse_rgmii_module:U_RGMII|altera_tse_rgmii_out4:the_rgmii_out4|altddio_out:altddio_out_component|ddio_out_jhb:auto_generated|ddio_outa[0]” must drive input port I of I/O OBUF primitive or input port DATAIN of DELAY_CHAIN primitive.

Error (15871): Input port DATAIN of DDIO_IN primitive “Cyclone_V_Controller:inst3|Cyclone_V_Controller_eth_tse_3:eth_tse_3|altera_eth_tse_mac:i_tse_mac|altera_tse_rgmii_module:U_RGMII|altera_tse_rgmii_in1:the_rgmii_in1|altddio_in:altddio_in_component|ddio_in_gsd:auto_generated|ddio_ina[0]” must come from an I/O IBUF or DELAY_CHAIN primitive

Cant I use the HPS loan IO pins for triple speed ethernet or I need to do some settings?

Hi bshan85,
I have the same problem.
Did you solve?
