Problem to generate buildroot


I use Ubuntu 14.04.
When I try to generate the buildroot with the command make appears the next message:
linux/ *** No kernel device tree source specified, check your BR2_LINUX_KERNEL_USE_INTREE_DTS / BR2_LINUX_KERNEL_USE_CUSTOM_DTS settings. Stop.
make: *** [_all] Error 2

How could I solve this problem??

Thank you for your help!

To make things easy you should first start by configuring Buildroot for an Altera SoC FPGA as follows:
make altera_sockit_defconfig

After that you can run the “make” command to build a zImage and root file system (contained in the output/images folder).

You will probably want to specify what Kernel release your using and not simply use the one specified in altera_sockit_defconfig. This is done by executing “make menuconfig” then specifying the kernel release under the “Kernel” menu item.

If your using Quartus 16.1 then you might want to use ACDS16.1_REL_GSRD_PR.

Specify this URL:

Specify this custom repository:

Configuration considerations:
make busybox-menuconfig # use this command to configure busybox
make linux-menuconfig # use this to configure the Kernel (adding drivers for example)
make menuconfig # to configure Buildroot and add or remove packages

Be aware that running “make clean” will delete your custom busybox and linux kernel changes and revert to the defaults.

Hope this helps.

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Thanks for your help!

I configured all the parameter whit the command: menu xconfig that I think is similar to use make menuconfig.
I specify all the parameters in order to my board (DE1-SOC Cyclone V) and for the version of Quartus (Quartus 16.0) that I use. For example in my case I use ACDS16.0_REL_GSRD_PR and the same repository that you wrote.

I have reviewed several times that all the parameters were well but when y try to make always appear the same error:
linux/ *** No kernel device tree source specified, check your BR2_LINUX_KERNEL_USE_INTREE_DTS / BR2_LINUX_KERNEL_USE_CUSTOM_DTS settings. Stop.
make: *** [_all] Error 2

I don’t know what I can do to try to solve this error.

Thanks for your help!

I have no access to a computer at this time so this is just a guess. In the area where you specify the Kernel release you must also specify the use of an in-tree def_config file. The name of the def_config you should use is socfpga. This can be specified in menuconfig under the Kernel configuration settings. Hope this helps. I’ll be near a computer tomorrow and will be happy to help further if needed.

jsg - Do you have your issue resolved?

Buildroot is easy to get working.
I’ll help you get to the point where your compiling if needed.

I could solve the problem.
I did not make the correct path in the field Device Tree Source Filenames.
Thank you a lot for your help!!!