I’m debugging a board with Cyclone V on it and have gotten to the point where the rocketboard supplied linux kernel is falling short of my configuration. For example Ethernet needs some PHY TXCLK tweaking, and the second MAC is not detected by u-boot or linux.
I’m trying to run sopc2dts to generate a dts for my board, but it’s crashing out.
Here is the log:
java -jar ~/sopc2dts/sopc2dts.jar --input CPU_Subsys2.sopcinfo --output frank.dts --bridge-removal all --clocks -v
Component alt_xcvr_reconfig_0 of class alt_xcvr_reconfig is unknown
Component pll_0 of class altera_pll is unknown
Component wtec_smart_engine_i_light_engine_0 of class wtec_smart_engine_i_light_engine is unknown
Try to eliminate hps_bridge_avalon: hps_0_bridges_f2h
MasterIF sopc2dts.lib.components.Interface@65b3120a slaveIF null
Component pll_0 of class altera_pll is unknown
Component wtec_smart_engine_i_light_engine_0 of class wtec_smart_engine_i_light_engine is unknown
Try to eliminate hps_bridge_avalon: hps_0_bridges_f2h
MasterIF sopc2dts.lib.components.Interface@65b3120a slaveIF null
dts memory section: No memory nodes specified. Blindly adding them all
Array index out of range: 3
Exception occurred: use -v for more information
sopc2dts - rel_14.0_RC3-44-g97a55b1
Usage: sopc2dts <arguments>
Required Arguments:
I tried creating a qsys that doesn’t have any special hardware in it, but the same error message occurs. Can someone advise me on how to track this down?
I’m really hoping the tool will enable the second MAC and the PCIe port in the kernel as well as in u-boot.
I think I figured it out, but I’d like some clarification. There are ports on the PCI express module which are not Txs, namely Cra. The code was not checking to ensure that the port they were documenting to the dts file was indeed a Txs. I added some code to ensure that only txs was being documented: