I’m trying to use Quartus’ Programmer to upload my bitstream that was based on the v18.1 GHRD. When doing so, upon opening the programmer, stating “HPS is present but bootloader information is missing.” I followed the steps here:
Currently running Quartus Prime Pro v19.1. Has anyone gone through this/know how to fix this? Thanks.
The message “HPS is present but bootloader information is missing.” is given, because Quartus Programmer initially loads the *.sof file generated by the Quartus project, not the derived file *_hps.sof generated by the quartus_cpf command. The solution is to click the Change File… button and select the *_hps.sof file.
The “Error status: Synchronization failed” is not related. It is most likely caused by bad hardware…
hello, currently , i’m working on Intel Stratix 10 SX SoC development Kit. I downloaded these release files at Index of /release/2021.04/gsrd/s10_gsrd.
After uncompressing package s10_soc_devkit_ghrd_ACDS-21.1pro-20.1std.tar.gz, there are many files under directory output_files, as followed,
By qpfgw tool, I tried to using file ghrd_1sx280lu2f50e2vg.sof and spl.hex that i compiled, to generate .jic file. the same problem arised–‘HPS is present but bootloader information is missing’.
do you kown why? and how to solve this?
thanks, best regards!
If you are referring to this message in qpfgw, I believe it is just a reminder to you, telling that you must remember to attach the spl.hex to the .sof file before pressing the Generate button.
I clicked on the .sof file and then on Properties and selected my spl.hex, ref. attached screendump.
Created a setup using HPS , after compilation generated .sof and hps_bootloader_handoff.bin
Generated a .hex from .bin file using srec_cat.exe
Using Programming file generator trying to .jic file
Error : Error(19192): File golden_top.sof is incomplete - HPS is present but bootloader information is missing
My brother face the same problem regarding uploading bitstream onto stratix. Can anyone please explain this? As a student I also face quires for the assignments writing but Real Assignments Reviews always help me out and guide me the quality sites for my work.